// Start of Locale Formatting var globaloriginalvalue =""; var globaleventvalue = ""; function getEventValue(value){ if (value != "" ) { globaleventvalue = value; }else { globaleventvalue =""; } } function getOrignalFieldValue(theField){ if ( theField.value != "" ) { globaloriginalvalue = theField.value; }else { globaloriginalvalue =""; } } function isValueContainsValidSeparator(numberValue,fractiondigits,eventName){ var fieldId = numberValue.id; var value = numberValue.value; var isValid = false; var decimalseparator = "."; var groupingseparator = "," ; var countdecimalseparatorvalues = value.toString().match(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(decimalseparator),'g')); var countdecimalseparator = (null == countdecimalseparatorvalues)?0:countdecimalseparatorvalues.length; var countgroupingseparatorvalues = value.toString().match(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(groupingseparator),'g')); var countgroupingseparator = (null == countgroupingseparatorvalues)?0:countgroupingseparatorvalues.length; var countotherthansepartorvalues = value.toString().match(new RegExp("[^"+ escapeRegExp(decimalseparator)+escapeRegExp(groupingseparator)+"\\d"+"]",'g')); var countotherthansepartor = (null == countotherthansepartorvalues)?0:countotherthansepartorvalues.length; if(value.length == 1 && eventName == "blur"){ isValid = isBlurSingleCharacterDigit(numberValue,fractiondigits); }else if(countdecimalseparator > 1 || countdecimalseparator >=1 && fractiondigits == 0 ){ alert("Error: Invalid Number Format , Please check the format entered; Ex. - " + exampleFromatting(fractiondigits)); handleInvalidValue(numberValue); }else if(countotherthansepartor >= 1){ alert("Error: Invalid Number Format , Please check the format entered; Ex. - " + exampleFromatting(fractiondigits)); handleInvalidValue(numberValue); }else{ document.getElementById(fieldId).value = value; isValid = true; } return isValid; } function isValueContainsValidSeparatorCommonGlobal(numberValue,fractiondigits,eventName){ var fieldId = numberValue.id; var value = numberValue.value; var isValid = false; var decimalseparator = "."; var groupingseparator = "," ; var countdecimalseparatorvalues = value.toString().match(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(decimalseparator),'g')); var countdecimalseparator = (null == countdecimalseparatorvalues)?0:countdecimalseparatorvalues.length; var countgroupingseparatorvalues = value.toString().match(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(groupingseparator),'g')); var countgroupingseparator = (null == countgroupingseparatorvalues)?0:countgroupingseparatorvalues.length; var countotherthansepartorvalues = value.toString().match(new RegExp("[^"+ escapeRegExp(decimalseparator)+escapeRegExp(groupingseparator)+"\\d"+"]",'g')); var countotherthansepartor = (null == countotherthansepartorvalues)?0:countotherthansepartorvalues.length; if(value.length == 1 && eventName == "blur"){ isValid = isBlurSingleCharacterDigitCommon(numberValue,fractiondigits); }else if(countdecimalseparator > 1 || countdecimalseparator >=1 && fractiondigits == 0 ){ alert("Error: Invalid Number Format , Please check the format entered; Ex. -" + exampleFromatting(fractiondigits)); handleNonGlobalInvalidValue(numberValue); }else if(countotherthansepartor >= 1){ alert("Error: Invalid Number Format , Please check the format entered; Ex. -" + exampleFromatting(fractiondigits)); handleNonGlobalInvalidValue(numberValue); }else{ document.getElementById(fieldId).value = value; isValid = true; } return isValid; } function isBlurSingleCharacterDigit(numberValue,fractiondigits){ isValid = false; var value = numberValue.value; var countotherthandigitvalues = value.toString().match(new RegExp("[^"+"\\d"+"]",'g')); var countotherthandigit = (null == countotherthandigitvalues)?0:countotherthandigitvalues.length; if(countotherthandigit > 0){ alert("Error: Invalid Number Format , Please check the format entered; Ex. - " + exampleFromatting(fractiondigits)); handleInvalidValue(numberValue); }else{ isValid = true; } return isValid; } function isBlurSingleCharacterDigitCommon(numberValue,fractiondigits){ isValid = false; var value = numberValue.value; var countotherthandigitvalues = value.toString().match(new RegExp("[^"+"\\d"+"]",'g')); var countotherthandigit = (null == countotherthandigitvalues)?0:countotherthandigitvalues.length; if(countotherthandigit > 0){ alert("Error: Invalid Number Format , Please check the format entered; Ex. - " + exampleFromatting(fractiondigits)); handleNonGlobalInvalidValue(numberValue); }else{ isValid = true; } return isValid; } function exampleFromatting(fractiondigits){ var value = null; if(fractiondigits == 0){ value = "1,000"; }else if(fractiondigits == 1){ value = "1,000.0"; }else if(fractiondigits == 2){ value = "1,000.00"; }else if(fractiondigits == 3){ value = "1,000.000"; }else if(fractiondigits == 4){ value = "1,000.0000"; }else{ formatNumberToLocaleFormat(1000,fractiondigits); } return value; } function handleInvalidValue(theField){ document.getElementById( theField.id ).value = global; window.setTimeout( "document.getElementById(\"" + theField.id + "\").focus();" , 10 ); window.setTimeout( "document.getElementById(\"" + theField.id + "\").select();" , 10 ); return; } function handleNonGlobalInvalidValue(theField){ document.getElementById( theField.id ).value = globaloriginalvalue; window.setTimeout( "document.getElementById(\"" + theField.id + "\").focus();" , 10 ); window.setTimeout( "document.getElementById(\"" + theField.id + "\").select();" , 10 ); return; } function isThereValidSeparator(value){ var isValid = false; if((typeof value === 'undefined') || (null == value)){ isValid = false; }else{ var decimalseparator = "."; var groupingseparator = "," ; var countdecimalseparatorvalues = value.toString().match(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(decimalseparator),'g')); var countdecimalseparator = (null == countdecimalseparatorvalues)?0:countdecimalseparatorvalues.length; var countgroupingseparatorvalues = value.toString().match(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(groupingseparator),'g')); var countgroupingseparator = (null == countgroupingseparatorvalues)?0:countgroupingseparatorvalues.length; var countotherthansepartorvalues = value.toString().match(new RegExp("[^"+ escapeRegExp(decimalseparator)+escapeRegExp(groupingseparator)+"\\d"+"]",'g')); var countotherthansepartor = (null == countotherthansepartorvalues)?0:countotherthansepartorvalues.length; if(value.length == 1){ var countotherthandigitvalues = value.toString().match(new RegExp("[^"+"\\d"+"]",'g')); var countotherthandigit = (null == countotherthandigitvalues)?0:countotherthandigitvalues.length; isValid = (countotherthandigit > 0)?false:true; }else if(countdecimalseparator > 1 ){ isValid = false; }else if(countotherthansepartor >= 1){ isValid = false; }else{ isValid = true; } } return isValid; } function isThereInValidSeparator(value){ return (isThereValidSeparator(value))?false:true; } function isValuePositiveSingleDecimalOnly(value){ var isValid = false; var decimalseparator = "."; var countdecimalseparatorvalues = value.toString().match(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(decimalseparator),'g')); var countdecimalseparator = (null == countdecimalseparatorvalues)?0:countdecimalseparatorvalues.length; var countotherthansepartorvalues = value.toString().match(new RegExp("[^"+ escapeRegExp(decimalseparator)+"\\d"+"]",'g')); var countotherthansepartor = (null == countotherthansepartorvalues)?0:countotherthansepartorvalues.length; if(countdecimalseparator > 1 ){ alert('Invalid Locale Value'); }else if(countotherthansepartor >= 1){ alert('Invalid Number'); }else{ isValid = true; } return isValid; } function formatNumberToLocaleFormat(value, fractiondigits){ if(isValuePositiveSingleDecimalOnly(value)){ localeformattedValue = jsformatValueLocaleFormat(value,fractiondigits,1); return (isThereValidSeparator(localeformattedValue))? localeformattedValue : getValueLocaleFormat(value,fractiondigits); }else{ alert('Invalid Number'); return; } } function formatNumberToLocaleFormatStandalone(value, fractiondigits){ if(isValuePositiveSingleDecimalOnly(value)){ localeformattedValue = jsformatValueLocaleFormat(value,fractiondigits,1); return (isThereValidSeparator(localeformattedValue))? localeformattedValue : getValueLocaleFormatStandalone(value,fractiondigits); }else{ alert('Invalid Number'); return; } } function jsformatValueLocaleFormat(numberValue,fractiondigitsrequired,minimumintegerdigits){ var value = parseFloat(Math.round(numberValue*Math.pow(10,fractiondigitsrequired))/Math.pow(10,fractiondigitsrequired)); var digitssplitter = null; var fractiondigits = 0; var numberdigits = 0; var groupednumberdigits= null; var formattedfractiondigits = null; var localeformatvalue = null; // get values var pattern = "#,##0.00"; var decimalseparator = "."; var groupingseparator = "," ; var regulardecimalseparator = "."; // calculate the grouping interval var patternsplitter = pattern.split(decimalseparator); var lastgroupingseparatorinterval = patternsplitter[0].substring(patternsplitter[0].lastIndexOf(groupingseparator) + 1).length; // split by regulardecimalseparator digitssplitter = value.toString().split(regulardecimalseparator); numberdigits = digitssplitter[0]; // determine fractiondigits if(fractiondigitsrequired == 0){ fractiondigits =null; numberdigits= value; }else{ fractiondigits = (digitssplitter[1]== null)?concatenatedzerosbylength(fractiondigitsrequired):digitssplitter[1]; } // formatthefractiondigits if((null == fractiondigits) || (fractiondigits.length == fractiondigitsrequired)){ formattedfractiondigits = fractiondigits; }else if(fractiondigits.length < fractiondigitsrequired){ formattedfractiondigits = fractiondigits.concat(concatenatedzerosbylength(fractiondigitsrequired - fractiondigits.length)); } // inserting the grouping digits if(numberdigits.length > lastgroupingseparatorinterval){ var numberdigitsarray = numberdigits.match(/\d/gi); numberdigitsarray = insertgroupingseparator(numberdigitsarray,lastgroupingseparatorinterval,groupingseparator); groupednumberdigits = numberdigitsarray.join(""); }else if(numberdigits.length == lastgroupingseparatorinterval){ groupednumberdigits = numberdigits; }else if(numberdigits.length < minimumintegerdigits){ groupednumberdigits = concatenatedzerosbylength(minimumintegerdigits - numberdigits.length).concat(numberdigits); }else if(numberdigits.length >= minimumintegerdigits ){ groupednumberdigits = numberdigits; } // appending the digits if(fractiondigitsrequired == 0){ localeformatvalue = groupednumberdigits }else{ localeformatvalue = groupednumberdigits + decimalseparator+formattedfractiondigits; } return localeformatvalue; } function concatenatedzerosbylength(value){ var cancatenatedvalue = null; for(var i = 0; i < value ; i++){ cancatenatedvalue =(cancatenatedvalue == null)?"0": cancatenatedvalue.concat("0"); } return cancatenatedvalue; } function insertgroupingseparator(numberdigitsarray,lastgroupingseparatorinterval,groupingseparator){ for (var i= numberdigitsarray.length;i > lastgroupingseparatorinterval; i = i-lastgroupingseparatorinterval){ numberdigitsarray.splice(i-lastgroupingseparatorinterval,0,groupingseparator); } return numberdigitsarray; } function escapeRegExp(str) { var value = null; if(str == " "){ value = "\\"+"s"; }else{ value = str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^$\|]/g, "\\"+str); } return (null == value)?str:value; } function isStartingWithDigit(theField){ var value = theField.value; value.toString().match(new RegExp("[^"+ escapeRegExp(decimalseparator)+escapeRegExp(groupingseparator)+"\\d"+"]",'g')); var startDigit = value.toString().match(new RegExp("^["+"\\d"+"]",'g')); var isStartDigit = (null == startDigit)?false:true; if(isStartDigit){ return true; }else{ alert("Please enter a valid number!" ); window.setTimeout( "document.getElementById(\"" + theField.id + "\").focus();" , 10 ); window.setTimeout( "document.getElementById(\"" + theField.id + "\").select();" , 10 ); return; } } function checkNumberLocaleFormat(numbervalue,fractiondigits) { if(isStartingWithDigit(numbervalue)){ if(validateFieldMoreThanOrEqualTo(numbervalue, 0)){ getAmountLocaleFormat(numbervalue,fractiondigits); } } } function getAmountLocaleFormat(numbervalue,fractiondigits){ var fieldId = numbervalue.id; // Creating a new XMLHttpRequest object var xmlhttp; if (window.XMLHttpRequest){ xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); // for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, // Safari } else { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); // for IE6, IE5 } // build the url var url = "/dm/ActionServlet?action=locale_numberformat&numberValue=" + numbervalue.value +"&fractionDigits="+fractiondigits+"&valueConversion="+"no"; // Create a asynchronous GET request xmlhttp.open("GET", url, true); // When readyState is 4 then get the server output xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4) { if (xmlhttp.status == 200) { var response = xmlhttp.responseText; if (typeof JSON != "undefined" ) { var data = JSON.parse(response); if(data.error == "null") { document.getElementById(fieldId).value = data.formattedValue; } else { document.getElementById(fieldId).value = '0.00'; alert('There was Error in your Input'+data.error); } }else{ //IE issue fix not recognising JSON object if(response != null){ var valueDerived = parseLocaleJsonFormattedValue(response,false); if(null != valueDerived ){ document.getElementById(fieldId).value = valueDerived ; }else{ document.getElementById(fieldId).value = '0.00'; alert('There was Error in your Input'+response); } } } } else { alert('Unable to Connect to Server !!'); } } }; xmlhttp.send(null); } function getValueLocaleFormat(numbervalue,fractiondigits){ var formattedNumberValue; // Creating a new XMLHttpRequest object var xmlhttp; if (window.XMLHttpRequest){ xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); // for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, // Safari } else { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); // for IE6, IE5 } // build the url var url = "/dm/ActionServlet?action=locale_numberformat&numberValue=" + numbervalue +"&fractionDigits="+fractiondigits+"&valueConversion="+"yes"; // Create a synchronous GET request xmlhttp.open("GET", url, false); xmlhttp.send(null); // When readyState is 4 then get the server output if (xmlhttp.status == 200) { var response = xmlhttp.responseText; if (typeof JSON != "undefined" ) { var data = JSON.parse(response); if(data.error == "null") { formattedNumberValue = data.formattedValue; } else { alert('There was Error in your Input'+data.error); } } else{ //IE issue fix not recognising JSON object if(response != null){ formattedNumberValue = parseLocaleJsonFormattedValue(response,true); } } }else{ alert('Unable to Connect to Server !!'); } return formattedNumberValue; } function getValueLocaleFormatStandalone(numbervalue, fractiondigits) { if (isNaN(numbervalue)) { alert("Provided value is not a number."); return; } function formatByLocale(value, fractiondigits) { return value.toLocaleString(undefined, { minimumFractionDigits: fractiondigits, maximumFractionDigits: fractiondigits }); } var formattedNumberValue; try { formattedNumberValue = formatByLocale(parseFloat(numbervalue), fractiondigits); } catch (e) { alert('There was an error in your input: ' + e.message); return; } return formattedNumberValue; } function parseLocaleJsonFormattedValue(value, isAlertRequired){ var valueRemovedBracket =""; if(value.toString().charAt(value.toString().length -1) == "}"){ valueRemovedBracket = value.toString().substring(0,value.toString().length -1); }else{ alert('Invalid JSON '); } var errorValuePair = "\"error\":\"null\""; var counterrorvalues = valueRemovedBracket.match(new RegExp(errorValuePair,'g')); var counterror = (null == counterrorvalues)?0:counterrorvalues.length; var numberValue = ""; if(counterror > 0){ var valueKeySplit = valueRemovedBracket.toString().trim().split("\"formattedValue\":"); var numberValue = valueKeySplit[1].toString().trim(); var quoteValue = "\""; var closingBracket = "}" var replaceRegEx = new RegExp([quoteValue+"|"+closingBracket], 'g'); numberValue = numberValue.toString().replace(replaceRegEx, ""); }else{ if(isAlertRequired){ alert('Invalid:'+ value); } } return numberValue; } function localeFormatToNumber(txt,decimalseparator){ var numb = null; var a = txt.toString(); if(null != txt){ var txtAlldigits = a.split(decimalseparator); var numberDigits = matchJoinDigits(txtAlldigits[0].toString()); if( isNaN(numberDigits)){ if(!(globaleventvalue == "keyup")){ alert('Invalid value to format as Number'); } } if((txtAlldigits[1] != null) && (isNaN(txtAlldigits[1]))){ if(!(globaleventvalue == "keyup")){ alert('Invalid value to format as Number'); } } var fractiondigits = (null == txtAlldigits[1])?"0":matchJoinDigits(txtAlldigits[1].toString()); numb = numberDigits + "."+ fractiondigits; } return numb; } function matchJoinDigits(txt){ var numb = null; if(null != txt){ numb = txt.match(/\d/g); if(numb == null){ numb =txt.toString(); }else{ numb = numb.join(""); } } return numb; } // end of locale Formatting // Other GENERAL FUNCTIONS function isDefined(variable) { return (typeof(window[variable]) == "undefined")? false: true; } /* Trimming of all strings */ String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,""); } /* This will add an item to theOriginal list, separating it with a comma if nececssary. */ function addCommaList(theOriginal,theString) { if( "" == theOriginal ) { return theString; } else { return theOriginal + ", " + theString; } } /* This will pad out the string with the character provided, to make it up to the specified length. */ function leftPad(text,padChar,length) { text = "" + text; while( text.length < length ) { text = padChar + text; } return text; } /* This will pad out the string with the character provided, to make it up to the specified length. */ function rightPad(text,padChar,length) { text = "" + text; while( text.length < length ) { text = text + padChar; } return text; } /* This will evaluate a string as a number. If it is not a number, this will return zero. */ function evalNumber(value) { value = parseFloat( value ); if( isNaN( value ) ) { return 0; } else { return value; } } /* This will evaluate a string as a number. If it is not a number, this will return zero. */ function evalInteger(value) { value = parseInt( value ); if( isNaN( value ) ) { return 0; } else { return value; } } /* This will find the x co-ordinate of the phsyical location in the window of the specified object. */ function findPosX(obj) { var curleft = 0; if (document.all || document.getElementById) { while (obj.offsetParent) { curleft += obj.offsetLeft; obj = obj.offsetParent; } curleft += obj.offsetLeft; } else if (document.layers) { curleft += obj.x; } return curleft; } /* This will find the y co-ordinate of the phsyical location in the window of the specified object. */ function findPosY(obj) { var curtop = 0; if (document.getElementById || document.all) { while (obj.offsetParent) { curtop += obj.offsetTop; obj = obj.offsetParent; } curtop += obj.offsetTop; } else if (document.layers) { curtop += obj.y; } return curtop; } /* This will take a value and format it with two decimal places. */ function parseCurrency(value) { value+=''; value = value.replace( ',' , '.' ); value = round( value - 0 , 2 ); var frac = Math.floor( ( round( value - Math.floor( value ) , 2 ) ) * 100 ); if( frac == 0 ) { value = ( "" + value ) + '.00'; } else if( mod(frac,10)==0 ) { value = ( "" + value ) + '0'; } return value; } function mod(X, Y) { return X - Math.floor(X/Y)*Y } /* This will round the number of the specified number of decimal places. */ function round(value,numDecimalPlaces) { var factor = Math.pow( 10 , numDecimalPlaces ); return ( Math.round(value*factor) ) / factor; } /* This will parse the date, validate it, and return a new string in the format of "dd month yyyy". */ function parseDateSimple(str_date) { if( "" == str_date ) { return ""; } var theDate = parseDate( str_date ); return theDate.getDate() + " " + text_months[theDate.getMonth()] + " " + theDate.getFullYear(); } function parseDateOrder(str_date) { if( "" == str_date ) { return ""; } var theDate = parseDate( str_date ); return theDate.getDate() + " " + text_months[theDate.getMonth()] + " " + theDate.getFullYear() } /* This will take a string containing a time and format it properly. */ function parseTime(str_time) { if( "" + str_time == "" ) { return ""; } var str_temp = str_time.toLowerCase(); var hour = 0; var minute = 0; if( str_temp.indexOf( ":" ) >= 0 ) { vals = str_temp.split( ":" ); if( vals.length > 1 ) { hour = evalNumber( vals[0] ); minute = evalNumber( vals[1] ); } else if( vals.length == 1 ) { hour = evalNumber( vals[0] ); minute = 0; } } else if( str_temp.indexOf( "." ) >= 0 ) { vals = str_temp.split( "." ); if( vals.length > 1 ) { hour = evalNumber( vals[0] ); minute = evalNumber( vals[1] ); } else if( vals.length == 1 ) { hour = evalNumber( vals[0] ); minute = 0; } } else { var v = evalNumber( str_temp ); hour = Math.floor( v / 100 ); minute = Math.floor( v % 100 ); } hour = round( ( (hour) % 24 ) , 0 ); minute = round( ( (minute-1) % 60 ) + 1 , 0 ); return leftPad( hour , '0' , 2 ) + ":" + leftPad( minute , '0' , 2 ); } // SPECIALIST FUNCTIONS var globalActiveDropDown = null; function onMouseLeaveSelector() { var theFieldId = this.id.substring( 0 , this.id.length - 9 ); var theField = document.getElementById( theFieldId ); // Magic alert! We're not interested in MouseLeaves when it's a sublayer. if( window.event.clientX != -1 ) { showHideDropSelector( theField); } } function showHideDateSelector(theField,timeOn) { //my own perversion of calendar.setup var format = "%d %b %Y"; if(timeOn) format = "%d %b %Y %H:%M" Calendar.DMF({ inputField : theField, // id of the input field ifFormat : format, // format of the input field (even if hidden, this format will be honored) daFormat : format,// format of the displayed date align : "Br", // alignment (defaults to "Bl") showsTime : timeOn, timeFormat : "24", firstDay : 1, weekNumbers : false, singleClick : true }); } function showHideDateSelectorOld(theField) { showHideDropSelector( theField , "
" + createCalendarHTML(theField.value,theField.offsetWidth) + "
" , 130 , "hidden" ); } /* This will create a generic drop-selector. The developer can pass his own HTML for the contents. */ function showHideDropSelector(theField,theHtmlContents,theHeight,theOverflow) { // Get the position and dimensions of the drop text box var left = findPosX(theField);// theField.offsetLeft var top = findPosY(theField); // theField.offsetTop; var width = theField.style.width;//theField.offsetWidth; var height = theField.offsetHeight; var showBorder = false; if( theHeight == null ) { theHeight = 120; } if( theOverflow == null ) { theOverflow = "auto"; } else { theOverflow = "hidden"; showBorder = 1; } // The Id that the selector div should have var theContentDivId = theField.id + ".selector"; // If the selector div does not yet exist, we will create it now var nextSibling = theField.nextSibling; if( nextSibling.id != theContentDivId ) { // Hide any existing drop-down if( globalActiveDropDown != null ) { showHideDropSelector( globalActiveDropDown ); } // Create the div to hold the selector var contentDiv = document.createElement( "div" ); contentDiv.id = theContentDivId; contentDiv.style.position = "absolute"; contentDiv.style.left = left + "px"; contentDiv.style.top = top + "px"; contentDiv.style.width = width; contentDiv.style.height = theHeight; // contentDiv.style.overflow = "hidden"; // contentDiv.style.overflow = theOverflow; // AP: This breaks Firefox(!?) if( showBorder ) { contentDiv.style.border = "1px solid black"; } if (theOverflow == "hidden"){ contentDiv.style.overflow = "hidden"; } contentDiv.style.backgroundColor = "#ffffff"; contentDiv.style.verticalAlign = "top"; contentDiv.style.textAlign = "left"; contentDiv.style.zIndex = 999; //Prevented advanced allocation feature from working on search_cons.jsp in ie8 //contentDiv.onmouseleave = onMouseLeaveSelector; theField.parentNode.insertBefore( contentDiv , nextSibling ); theField.style.visibility = "hidden"; // Draw the contents of the selector contentDiv.innerHTML = theHtmlContents; // And activate the selector globalActiveDropDown = theField; if( contentDiv.focus ) { contentDiv.focus(); } } else { // Remove the selector from the page var contentDiv = document.getElementById( theContentDivId ); contentDiv.parentNode.removeChild( contentDiv ); // Make the input box visible again theField.style.visibility = "visible"; globalActiveDropDown = null; } } // Configuration var color_day = "#eeeeee"; // Background colour for a normal day cell var color_weekend = "#dddddd"; // Background colour for a weekend day cell var color_selected = "#ff4444"; // Colour of text to mark selected day as var color_hover = "#ffdddd"; // Background colour of the cell the mouse is over var color_header_day = "#cccccc"; // Background colour of the day column headers var cell_width = 28; // Initialisation var today = new Date(); var selected_date = parseDate( today.getDate() + "/" + (today.getMonth()+1) + "/" + today.getFullYear() ); var fieldWidth = 196; var show_month = selected_date.getMonth(); var show_year = getYearValue( selected_date.getYear() ); var text_days = ["Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat","Sun"]; var text_months = ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"]; function getPageStartDate(month,year) { rv = new Date(); rv.setDate( 1 ); rv.setMonth( month ); rv.setYear( year ); return rv; } function getDaysPerMonth(month,year) { if( month == 0 ) return 31; if( month == 1 && isLeapYear(year) ) return 29; if( month == 1 && !isLeapYear(year) ) return 28; if( month == 2 ) return 31; if( month == 3 ) return 30; if( month == 4 ) return 31; if( month == 5 ) return 30; if( month == 6 ) return 31; if( month == 7 ) return 31; if( month == 8 ) return 30; if( month == 9 ) return 31; if( month == 10 ) return 30; if( month == 11 ) return 31; return 31; } function isLeapYear(year) { if( ((year % 4) == 0 && (year % 100)!=0) || (year%400==0) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } function getDayIndex(dayno) { return ( ( dayno + 5 ) % 7 ); } function onCalendarChanged() { show_month = document.getElementById( "month" ).value; show_year = document.getElementById( "year" ).value; document.getElementById( "calendar_target" ).innerHTML = createCalendarHTML(); } function onDateSelected(date) { globalActiveDropDown.value = date + " " + (text_months[show_month]) + " " + show_year; if( globalActiveDropDown.onchange ) { globalActiveDropDown.onchange(); } showHideDropSelector( globalActiveDropDown ); } function createCalendarHTML(theValue,theWidth) { var out = ""; if( theValue ) { selected_date = parseDate( theValue ); show_month = selected_date.getMonth(); show_year = getYearValue( selected_date.getYear() ); } if( theWidth ) { fieldWidth = theWidth; } var start_date = getPageStartDate( show_month , show_year ); out += ""; out += ""; out += ""; out += ""; out += "
"; out += ""; out += ""; out += "
"; out += ""; out += ""; out += ""; out += ""; out += ""; out += ""; out += ""; out += ""; out += ""; var cell_id = 0; out += ""; for( ; cell_id <= getDayIndex( start_date.getDay() ); ) { if( cell_id % 7 == 0 ) { out += ""; } if( (cell_id % 7) == 5 || (cell_id % 7) == 6 ) { out += ""; } else { out += ""; } cell_id++; } for( d = 1 ; d <= getDaysPerMonth( show_month , show_year ) ; d++ ) { if( cell_id % 7 == 0 ) { out += ""; } if( (cell_id % 7) == 5 || (cell_id % 7) == 6 ) { out += ""; } else { out += "" + d + ""; } cell_id++; } filler_day = 1; v = 3; while( (cell_id % 7 != 0) || (v > 0) ) { if( cell_id % 7 == 0 ) { out += ""; v--; } if( (cell_id % 7) == 5 || (cell_id % 7) == 6 ) { out += ""; } else { out += ""; } cell_id++; filler_day++; } out += ""; out += "
"; } else { out += ""; } if( selected_date.getDate() == d && selected_date.getMonth() == show_month && getYearValue( selected_date.getYear() ) == show_year ) { out += "" + d + "
"; return out; } function getDateValue(input) { return evalNumber( input ); } function getMonthValue(input) { if( input.indexOf( "jan" ) >= 0 ) return 1; if( input.indexOf( "feb" ) >= 0 ) return 2; if( input.indexOf( "mar" ) >= 0 ) return 3; if( input.indexOf( "apr" ) >= 0 ) return 4; if( input.indexOf( "may" ) >= 0 ) return 5; if( input.indexOf( "jun" ) >= 0 ) return 6; if( input.indexOf( "jul" ) >= 0 ) return 7; if( input.indexOf( "aug" ) >= 0 ) return 8; if( input.indexOf( "sep" ) >= 0 ) return 9; if( input.indexOf( "oct" ) >= 0 ) return 10; if( input.indexOf( "nov" ) >= 0 ) return 11; if( input.indexOf( "dec" ) >= 0 ) return 12; if( isNaN( input ) ) { input = 0; } if( input >= 1 && input <= 12 ) return parseInt(input); return 0; } function getYearValue(input) { input = input - 0; input = evalNumber(input); if( input < 50 ) { input += 2000; return evalNumber( input ); } else if( input > 1900 ) { return evalNumber( input ); } else { input += 1900; return evalNumber( input ); } } function parseDate(str_date) { var date_out = new Date(); var str_temp = str_date.toLowerCase(); var date = 0; var month = 0; var year = 0; if( str_temp.indexOf( "/" ) >= 0 ) { // This is a number date vals = str_temp.split( "/" ); if( vals.length >= 3 ) { // Assuming the format DD/MM/YY, DD/MM/YYYY, DD/MMM/YY or DD/MMM/YYYY date = getDateValue( vals[0] ); month = getMonthValue( vals[1] ); year = getYearValue( vals[2] ); } else if( vals.length == 2 ) { date = getDateValue( vals[0] ); month = getMonthValue( vals[1] ); year = today.getFullYear(); } } else if( str_temp.indexOf( " " ) >= 0 ) { // This is a number date vals = str_temp.split( " " ); if( vals.length >= 3 ) { // Assuming the format DD MM YY, DD[th] MMM YY, DD[th] MMM YYYY date = getDateValue( vals[0] ); month = getMonthValue( vals[1] ); year = getYearValue( vals[2] ); } else if( vals.length == 2 ) { date = getDateValue( vals[0] ); month = getMonthValue( vals[1] ); year = today.getFullYear(); } } else if( str_temp.indexOf( "." ) >= 0 ) { // This is a number date vals = str_temp.split( "." ); if( vals.length >= 3 ) { // Assuming the format DD MM YY, DD[th] MMM YY, DD[th] MMM YYYY date = getDateValue( vals[0] ); month = getMonthValue( vals[1] ); year = getYearValue( vals[2] ); } else if( vals.length == 2 ) { date = getDateValue( vals[0] ); month = getMonthValue( vals[1] ); year = today.getFullYear(); } } if( date == 0 || month == 0 || year == 0 ) { date_out = new Date(); } else { date_out = new Date( year , month - 1 , date ); } return date_out; } /* TABS */ function addTab(tabContainerId,tabId,theTitle) { var theButtonContainer = document.getElementById( tabContainerId + "TabButtons" ); var theHtml; var e; // Do we need to initialise the tab container? if( theButtonContainer == null ) { theHtml = "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "
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Each takes a field which MUST have an id. Usage: ... onBlur="if( validateFieldNumber(this) && validateFieldMoreThanOrEqualTo(this,1) );" ... */ function validateNotBlank(theField,theDisplayName) { if( theField.value.trim() == "" ) { alert( theDisplayName + " " + "cannot be left blank" ); window.setTimeout( "document.getElementById('" + theField.id + "').focus();" , 1 ); window.setTimeout( "document.getElementById('" + theField.id + "').select();" , 1 ); return false; } else { return true; } } // The value must be a number function validateFieldNumber(theField) { if( isNaN( theField.value ) ) { alert( "You must enter a number" ); window.setTimeout( "document.getElementById('" + theField.id + "').focus();" , 1 ); window.setTimeout( "document.getElementById('" + theField.id + "').select();" , 1 ); return false; } else { return true; } } // Must be an integer function validateFieldWholeNumber(theField) { if( Math.round( theField.value ) != theField.value ) { alert( "You must enter a whole number" ); window.setTimeout( "document.getElementById('" + theField.id + "').focus();" , 1 ); window.setTimeout( "document.getElementById('" + theField.id + "').select();" , 1 ); return false; } else { return true; } } // The number must be more than... function validateFieldMoreThan(theField,value) { if( theField.value <= value ) { alert( "You must enter a value more than" + " " + value ); window.setTimeout( "document.getElementById('" + theField.id + "').focus();" , 1 ); window.setTimeout( "document.getElementById('" + theField.id + "').select();" , 1 ); return false; } else { return true; } } /// The number must be more than or equal to... function validateFieldMoreThanOrEqualTo(theField,value) { if( theField.value < value ) { alert( "You must enter a value no less than" + " " + value ); window.setTimeout( "document.getElementById('" + theField.id + "').focus();" , 1 ); window.setTimeout( "document.getElementById('" + theField.id + "').select();" , 1 ); return false; } else { return true; } } // The number nust be less than... function validateFieldLessThan(theField,value) { if( theField.value > value ) { alert( "You must enter a value less than" + " " + value ); window.setTimeout( "document.getElementById('" + theField.id + "').focus();" , 1 ); window.setTimeout( "document.getElementById('" + theField.id + "').select();" , 1 ); return false; } else { return true; } } // The number must be less than or equal to... function validateFieldLessThanOrEqualTo(theField,value) { if( theField.value >= value ) { alert( "You must enter a value no more than" + " " + value ); window.setTimeout( "document.getElementById('" + theField.id + "').focus();" , 1 ); window.setTimeout( "document.getElementById('" + theField.id + "').select();" , 1 ); return false; } else { return true; } } // The number must be between minValue and maxValue (inclusive) function validateFieldBetweenInclusive(theField,minValue,maxValue) { if( theField.value < minValue || theField.value > maxValue ) { alert( "null" + " " + minValue + " " + "and" + " " + maxValue + " (" + "inclusive" + ")" ); window.setTimeout( "document.getElementById('" + theField.id + "').focus();" , 1 ); window.setTimeout( "document.getElementById('" + theField.id + "').select();" , 1 ); return false; } else { return true; } } // The number must be between minValue and maxValue (excluding the ends) function validateFieldBetweenExclusive(theField,minValue,maxValue) { if( theField.value <= minValue || theField.value >= maxValue ) { alert( "You must enter a value more than" + " " + minValue + " " + "but less than" + " " + maxValue ); window.setTimeout( "document.getElementById('" + theField.id + "').focus();" , 1 ); window.setTimeout( "document.getElementById('" + theField.id + "').select();" , 1 ); return false; } else { return true; } } // Disable the input box function disableInputBox(theInputElement) { theInputElement.readOnly = true; theInputElement.className = "input-box-disabled"; } // Enable the input box function enableInputBox(theInputElement) { theInputElement.readOnly = false; theInputElement.className = "input-box"; } // Disable all text boxes in parent window function disableParentElementsForSubmit() { document.body.style.cursor = "wait"; var allElements = window.parent.opener.document.getElementsByTagName( "*" ); for( var i = 0 ; i < allElements.length ; i++ ) { var tn = allElements[i].tagName.toLowerCase(); if( "input" == tn ) { allElements[i].readOnly = true; if( allElements[i].type && allElements[i].type.toLowerCase() == "text" ) { allElements[i].className += " input-box-disabled"; } } } } // Gets the value of parameter in a URL. For example if the current URL is "...?opendocument&id=testid" then // calling getURLParam("id") will return "testid". function getURLParam(strParamName){ var strReturn = ""; var strHref = window.location.href; if ( strHref.indexOf("?") > -1 ){ var strQueryString = strHref.substr(strHref.indexOf("?")).toLowerCase(); var aQueryString = strQueryString.split("&"); for ( var iParam = 0; iParam < aQueryString.length; iParam++ ){ if ( aQueryString[iParam].indexOf(strParamName.toLowerCase() + "=") > -1 ) { var aParam = aQueryString[iParam].split("="); strReturn = aParam[1]; break; } } } return unescape(strReturn); } // populateIframeWithUrl() // // This will fill the contents of the specified iframe with the URL specified. function populateIframeWithUrl(theFrameName,theUrl) { var theMagicForm = document.getElementById( "theMagicForm_populateIframeWithUrl" ); if( theMagicForm == null ) { theMagicForm = document.body.appendChild( document.createElement( "form" ) ); theMagicForm.id = "theMagicForm_populateIframeWithUrl"; theMagicForm.name = "theMagicForm_populateIframeWithUrl"; theMagicForm.method = "POST"; } theMagicForm.target = theFrameName; theMagicForm.action = theUrl; theMagicForm.submit(); } function disableForSubmitWithoutWaitCursor() { var allElements = document.getElementsByTagName( "input" ); for( var i = 0 ; i < allElements.length ; i++ ) { allElements[i].readOnly = true; if ((allElements[i].type == 'button') || allElements[i].type == 'submit') { allElements[i].disabled = true; } } } //This prototype is provided by the Mozilla foundation and //is distributed under the MIT license. //http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/LICENSES/mit.license if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function(elt /*, from*/) { var len = this.length; var from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0; from = (from < 0) ? Math.ceil(from) : Math.floor(from); if (from < 0) from += len; for (; from < len; from++) { if (from in this && this[from] === elt) return from; } return -1; }; } String.prototype.startsWith = function(str) { return (this.match("^"+str)==str); } String.prototype.endsWith = function(str) { return (this.match(str+"$")==str); } /* Some time & time-period functions (used when entering times into text boxes). */ function cleanFormatTime(theObject) { var theText = theObject.value; theText = theText.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''); theText = theText.substring( 0 , 4 ); while( theText.length < 4 ) { theText = "0" + theText; } theText = theText.substring( 0 , 2 ) + ":" + theText.substring( 2 , 4 ); if( theText.substring( 0 , 2 ) - 0 > 23 ) { theText = "23:" + theText.substring( 3 , 5 ); } if( theText.substring( 3 , 5 ) - 0 > 59 ) { theText = theText.substring( 0 , 2 ) + ":59"; } theObject.value = theText; } function cleanFormatTimeList(theObject) { var theTextArray = theObject.value.split( "," ); var theOutputText = ""; for( var theTextArrayIndex = 0 ; theTextArrayIndex < theTextArray.length ; theTextArrayIndex++ ) { var theText = theTextArray[ theTextArrayIndex ]; theText = theText.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''); theText = theText.substring( 0 , 4 ); while( theText.length < 4 ) { theText = "0" + theText; } theText = theText.substring( 0 , 2 ) + ":" + theText.substring( 2 , 4 ); if( theText.substring( 0 , 2 ) - 0 > 23 ) { theText = "23:" + theText.substring( 3 , 5 ); } if( theText.substring( 3 , 5 ) - 0 > 59 ) { theText = theText.substring( 0 , 2 ) + ":59"; } if( theOutputText.length > 0 ) theOutputText += ", "; theOutputText += theText; } theObject.value = theOutputText; } function cleanFormatTimeRange(theObject) { var theText = theObject.value; if( theText.indexOf( "-" ) == -1 ) theText = theText + "-"; var theTextArray = theText.split( "-" ); var theOutputText = ""; for( var theTextArrayIndex = 0 ; theTextArrayIndex < 2 ; theTextArrayIndex++ ) { var theText = theTextArray[ theTextArrayIndex ]; theText = theText.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''); theText = theText.substring( 0 , 4 ); if( theText == "" && theTextArrayIndex > 0 ) theText = "2359"; while( theText.length < 4 ) { theText = "0" + theText; } theText = theText.substring( 0 , 2 ) + ":" + theText.substring( 2 , 4 ); if( theText.substring( 0 , 2 ) - 0 > 23 ) { theText = "23:" + theText.substring( 3 , 5 ); } if( theText.substring( 3 , 5 ) - 0 > 59 ) { theText = theText.substring( 0 , 2 ) + ":59"; } if( theOutputText.length > 0 ) theOutputText += "-"; theOutputText += theText; } theObject.value = theOutputText; } function calcTimeRangeSpan(theRange) { if( theRange.length != 11 ) { alert( "Invalid time range: " + theRange ); return 0; } else { var theTextArray = theRange.split( "-" ); if( theTextArray.length != 2 ) { alert( "Invalid time range: " + theRange ); return 0; } var fromV1 = theTextArray[0].replace(/[^0-9]/g, '') - 0; var toV1 = theTextArray[1].replace(/[^0-9]/g, '') - 0; var fromTime = Math.floor( fromV1 / 100 ) * 60 + ( fromV1 % 100 ); var toTime = Math.floor( toV1 / 100 ) * 60 + ( toV1 % 100 ); return toTime - fromTime; } } function showMetricValueTooltip(metricField, unitType) { var valueToConvert = document.getElementById(metricField).value; var metricObject = convertToMetric(valueToConvert, unitType); document.getElementById(metricField).title = metricValue.toFixed(metricObject.value) + metricObject.unit; } function convertToMetric(valueToConvert, unitType) { var poundsToKgConversion = 0.45359237; var inchesToCmConversion = 2.54; var ouncesToMlsConversion = 29.57353; var decimalPlaces = 4; var metricValue; switch(unitType) { case "WEIGHT": metricValue = valueToConvert * poundsToKgConversion; metricUnit = "kg"; break; case "LENGTH": metricValue = valueToConvert * inchesToCmConversion; metricUnit = "cm"; break; case "VOLUME": metricValue = valueToConvert * ouncesToMlsConversion; metricUnit = "ml"; break; } return { value: metricValue, unit: metricUnit }; }